Joystick Magazine 1995 November (Mac)
cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso
Xconq 7.0.1
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270 lines
(game-module "ww2-div-pac"
(title "WWII, Division-level, Pacific")
(blurb "Definitions for divisional/theater-level WWII in the Pacific")
(unit-type a-inf (image-name "inf-div") (possible-sides "allied")
(help "Allied infantry division"))
(unit-type a-armor (image-name "armor-div") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type j-inf (image-name "inf-div") (possible-sides "japanese"))
(unit-type j-armor (image-name "armor-div") (possible-sides "japanese"))
(unit-type para (image-name "para-div") (possible-sides "allied"))
(unit-type hq (image-name "flag"))
(define ground-types (a-inf a-armor j-inf j-armor para hq))
(unit-type aa (image-name "ap"))
(unit-type dd (image-name "dd"))
(unit-type ss (image-name "sub"))
(unit-type cl (image-name "ca"))
(unit-type ca (image-name "ca"))
(unit-type cve (image-name "cv"))
(unit-type cvl (image-name "cv"))
(unit-type cvs (image-name "cv"))
(unit-type cv (image-name "cv"))
(unit-type bc (image-name "bb"))
(unit-type bb (image-name "bb"))
(define small-ship-types (aa dd ss))
(define large-ship-types (cl ca cve))
(define capital-ship-types (cvl cvs cv bc bb))
(define carrier-types (cve cvl cvs cv))
(define ship-types (append small-ship-types large-ship-types capital-ship-types))
(unit-type airfield (image-name "airbase"))
(unit-type airbase)
(unit-type port)
(unit-type town (image-name "town20"))
(unit-type city (image-name "city20"))
(define place-types (airfield airbase port town city))
(material-type org ; organization
(help "important to do things, acquired from HQs"))
(material-type air ; aircraft
(help "attached aircraft used for support"))
(terrain-type sea)
(terrain-type atoll)
(terrain-type clear)
(terrain-type jungle (image-name "forest"))
(terrain-type hills)
(terrain-type mountains)
(terrain-type road (subtype connection))
(terrain-type river (subtype border))
(terrain-type reef (subtype border) (color "gray"))
(define water (sea atoll))
(define land (clear jungle mountains))
(define cell-t* (sea atoll clear jungle hills mountains))
;;; Static relationships.
(table vanishes-on
(ground-types sea true)
(ship-types land true)
(place-types sea true)
((town city) atoll true)
(add sea capacity 100)
(add land capacity 4)
(add aa capacity 1)
(table unit-size-as-occupant
(u* aa 99)
(ground-types aa 1)
(table unit-storage-x
(u* org 1)
;; Aircraft complements for various types of carriers.
(carrier-types air (24 36 12 72))
(place-types air (72 144 0 288 576))
;;; Vision.
(set terrain-seen true)
(add u* already-seen 20)
(add place-types already-seen 100)
;; Range should depend on availability of scout aircraft...
(add carrier-types vision-range 4)
(add place-types vision-range 4)
;;; Action parameters.
(add ground-types acp-per-turn 1)
(add ship-types acp-per-turn 24)
;;; Movement.
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
(ground-types sea 99)
(ship-types land 99)
(ship-types atoll 12)
(table mp-to-leave-terrain
(ship-types atoll 12)
;;; Combat.
(add ground-types hp-max 12)
(add ground-types parts-max 12)
;aa dd ss cl ca cve cvl cvs cv bc bb
(add ship-types hp-max (6 6 6 4 6 4 4 4 5 5 6))
(add ship-types parts-max (6 6 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1))
(add place-types hp-max (10 20 20 40 80))
(table acp-to-attack
(ship-types u* 6)
(table acp-to-defend
(u* ship-types 6)
(add carrier-types acp-to-fire 12)
(add place-types acp-to-fire 12)
(table acp-to-be-fired-on
(carrier-types carrier-types 6)
(add carrier-types range 8)
(add place-types range 8)
(table hit-chance
(ship-types ship-types 50)
(table damage
(ship-types ship-types 1)
(table consumption-per-attack
;; Expect to lose one plane in an attack.
(carrier-types air 1)
(place-types air 1)
(table hit-by
;; Planes can attack just about anything.
(u* air 1)
(table material-to-fight
(carrier-types air 6)
(table capture-chance
(ground-types airfield 100)
(ground-types (airbase port) 90)
(ground-types (town city) 50)
;;; Defaults for testing.
;;; Some defns for the fractal percentile generator.
(set alt-blob-density 10000)
(set alt-blob-size 20)
(set alt-smoothing 6)
(set wet-blob-density 2000)
(set wet-blob-size 100)
(add cell-t* alt-percentile-min ( 0 90 90 90 97 98))
(add cell-t* alt-percentile-max ( 90 91 97 97 98 100))
(add cell-t* wet-percentile-min ( 0 0 0 50 0 0))
(add cell-t* wet-percentile-max (100 100 50 100 100 100))
;;; River generation.
(add (clear jungle hills mountains) river-chance (5000 10000 10000 10000))
(set river-sink-terrain sea)
;(table terrain-interaction (river (sea shallows) non-terrain))
(set edge-terrain sea)
(add u* start-with 1) ; one of everything
(set country-radius-min 4)
(set country-separation-min 20)
(set country-separation-max 60)
(add (sea clear) country-terrain-min (10 5))
(table favored-terrain
(u* t* 0)
(ground-types land 100)
(ship-types sea 100)
(place-types land 100)
(table unit-initial-supply
(u* m* 9999)
(place-types air 100)
(set side-library '(
((name "Allies") (adjective "Allied") (emblem-name "flag-usa")
(class "allied") (names-locked true)
(cl "us-cl-names")
(ca "us-ca-names")
(cve "us-cve-names")
(cv "us-cv-names")
(bb "us-bb-names"))
((name "Japan") (adjective "Japanese") (emblem-name "flag-japan")
(class "japanese") (names-locked true)
(ca "japanese-ca-names")
(cve "japanese-cve-names")
(cv "japanese-cv-names")
(bb "japanese-bb-names"))
;; Russia and China useful as distinct sides?
(include "ng-ships")
(set calendar '(usual "day"))
(world 800 (year-length 365))
(game-module (design-notes (
"The map-scale is 30 miles/hex, game time is 1 day/turn."
"One unit of aircraft material is one plane."
"To Do:"
"Adapt old pacific map."
"Could have one port and one airfield share a hex, but no more."
"Units with aircraft should have a long vision range."
"Add fuel as material, scenarios could predefine certain places to have lots."